Activations - Release Date: [2024/08/15]
New Sidebar Navigation Section
Bread Crumbs (navigation bar on top of the activations page)
- + New Connection, Activated Audiences, Account Connections, Manage Credentials
+ New Connection
- Has a selection of DSPs and Social activation links
- Each card should open their corresponding logins (or a text field, ie TTD)
Activated Audiences
- This is an organization level page
- Shows all audiences your organization has activations on
- Can view activations via “View Activations -->” button
- Displays basic audience information
- Displays list of platforms/advertisers accounts used on the audience.
- Edit button should bring user to the Edit Custom Audience page.
Account Connections
- This is an organization level page
- Shows all advertiser accounts that have been shared to the organization.
Manage Credentials
- This is a user level page
- Show all DSP and Social accounts the user has logged into. This is not the ad account, but the actual account used when logging into any DSP or Social. These accounts can be organization or personal accounts. They retrieve all associated advertiser accounts that are shared through that login.
- User can delete their login credential. This will cause the account to no longer show in the quick-login account selection of Activation Login Modal
Activation Login Pop Up Modal
- Two different points of contact:
- Create/Edit Custom Audience (Custom Audience Form) - Step 5
- Activations Page ( + New Connection) - Any card
Page 1 - Activations - (Found on Custom Audience Form)
- New Connection
- Organization Activations
Page 2 - Organization Activations - (Found on Custom Audience Form)
- Selection of platforms that your organization has associated advertiser accounts.
- Can have limited or no options. It only shows platforms you already have advertiser accounts connected with.
Page 2 - New Connection
- List of platforms that offer quick service activations for, list is limited to: DV360, The Trade Desk, Amazon, Meta, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok
Page 3 - Login Buttons and Multi-Account Selection - (only found with New Connection)
- If the user has any personal social or DSP accounts previously logged in with, the user account should be listed above the associated login button.
- Click an account to login, if login is expired, an error will show and the account will be flagged as “signed-out”, and will no longer be listed. If login is valid, the advertiser accounts will be retrieved and the user will be redirected to the next page.
- “Signed-out” only flags the account and will not remove the account/token from the database, as it is needed for information retrieval for associated Advertiser Accounts. The user can either email to remove information, or void their account tokens via specific platform websites.
- A log-in button is also shown on the pop-up window, allowing the user to log in with a platform. After login is successful the pop-up window closes, and the Advertiser Accounts are retrieved from that platform.
Page 4 - Account Selection
- The user can select one or more Advertiser Accounts that are available to them via their organization or their platform login. There can be no Advertiser Accounts available, in which the user must login with a new account or select a different platform.
Page 5 - Confirmation
- Users will be able to see the selected Advertiser Account, and must click a checkbox confirming the understanding and acceptance of our policies.
- Once the “confirm” button has been clicked the Advertiser Account is added to the organization
- On the Custom Audience Form — once the advertiser account is selected and confirmed, a card listing the ad account details will appear below the “Connect With DSPs And Socials” button.
Page Feature Enhancements:
- New Search Bar: Features a live-updating drop-down, limited to 50 audiences for performance efficiency. Supports searching by audience names and IDs.
- Improved Search Results Table: Enhanced functionality allows for text copying directly from the table.
Custom Audience Creation Updates:
- POIs by Brand/Category: Under Step 3a, discover a new, more responsive POI selector. Users can now search different audience types with ease.
- CSV Validation: Features comprehensive CSV error feedback and handling on Step 3B. Upload, edit, and download corrected CSVs directly on the app.
- Visitor Frequency Filter: In addition to selecting the minimum number of days visited per device, users can now set the maximum number of days as well.